Owner Was Upset Because Of Her Dog, But $400 Vet Bill Truly Brought Tears To Her Eyes

Just as a dog’s world revolves around his beloved human, every true owner is ready to do anything for his pet.

It is precisely for this reason that every owner’s nightmare is to see that something is wrong with his furry baby. If their bond is truly deep, it can lead him to a desperate state where he is ready to give his last dollar to save his canine pal.

This is exactly the situation a woman from Tennessee found herself in when she woke up one morning to find her beloved dog in a heartbreaking state. She immediately took her to the vet and, in her desperation, was prepared for the worst.

However, she could not even dream of what the results of the examination would be.

Scam Of The Century

When Sam McGuire woke up one morning, something happened to her one-year-old dog, Mabel, that she had always hoped she would never experience.

This Pit Bull wasn’t able to walk, but Sam really got a lump in her throat when she saw that her beloved dog couldn’t eat either. It was a warning sign that made this woman call the vet immediately.

After making an appointment with the vet and sobbing on the phone, Sam held Mabel in her arms until it was time to go.

woman with tattoo and dog
Source: @sfmcguire

When they finally got there, the vets told her they would do an X-ray examination and run diagnostics before they called her.

This woman waited impatiently for hours for the fateful call and was unable to do or think about anything else all that time.

sweet black dog
Source: @sfmcguire

When the phone finally rang, she immediately started crying even before answering because she was convinced of the worst-case scenario. Yet, it never happened.

In the TikTok clip she posted via her account @sfmcguire, Sam explained that “The x ray and diagnostics showed that [Mabel] had a belly ache” and that “She was having a strong emotional reaction to a tummy ache.”

very sweet black dog
Source: @sfmcguire

It was a scam, but one that cost $400. Sam’s tears continued to flow, but no longer because of Mabel, who laughed and played carefree after the examination, but because of the vet bill that would soon empty her wallet.

Many Reactions

As you can already see, this woman from Tennessee decided to share this experience with her TikTok followers. However, it wasn’t just them – this clip attracted the attention of many people.

In addition to funny comments, people also shared similar experiences with their dogs, and we highlighted a few of them.

comments on tiktok
Source: @sfmcguire

“We spend hundreds to find out that my dog coughs for attention,” one user wrote.

“After 600$ my baby was diagnosed with bad gas. 🤦‍♀️,” another added.

And one even shared his experience with a cat: “I spent 300$ to find out my cat was peeing a lot because he was licking my salt lamp and getting dehydrated 🤦🏾‍♀️”

From the experience of many people, it can be seen that this is not a surprising behavior of our pets, but that can’t bring back the nerves and the $400 that Sam lost that day.

Still, if anything, she won’t react so tragically the next time her Mabel decides to become a Hollywood actress.

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