Puppy Was Terrified Of Her New Mom And Dad Until Everything Changed One Day

Losing a beloved pet is one of the most heartbreaking moments in every owner’s life. After spending so many happy days with your furry companion, it is not at all easy to suddenly wake up in the morning without him by your side.

Nevertheless, life must go on, and although the wounds on your soul would never truly heal, you have to find a solution to be happy again. One of the best ways to do that is to find a new canine that will fill that void in you.

This is exactly what a young couple from Maine did after they lost their longtime furry pet, Lola. However, their new dog was so different from her.

Wounded Soul

a man trying to get to the dog
Source: The Dodo

Before Shelby and Asher adopted her, Fawn was found by the rescue team of The Sato Project on a beach in Puerto Rico. Her life was not at all easy but luck smiled on her when these two great souls decided to give her a home.

When Shelby and Asher set out to pick up Fawn at the airport, they were very excited and they were finally able to forget about the loss of their beloved Lola.

a man and a woman holding a dog
Source: The Dodo

As soon as they met her, this puppy was in their arms and on the way to her new forever home. While they were driving to their house in Maine, these two did not notice anything unusual in Fawn’s behavior.

It wasn’t until they got home that Shelby and Asher saw how many wounds this puppy had on her soul. She was extremely nervous, and it seemed like she was terrified of them.

a dog in his bed
Source: The Dodo

Because of that, Fawn found her safe place in a warm bed from which she did not move for the whole night. This behavior of hers continued in the following days when she took the toys that her new parents bought her and played with them alone under the chest of drawers.

“She just wouldn’t let us get anywhere near her,” Shelby said in her interview for The Dodo.

dog hiding under the closet
Source: The Dodo

Although they were very sad because of this fact and the memory of Lola, who had a completely different behavior, they still decided to respect Fawn’s boundaries in order to slowly gain her trust. Shelby and Asher were convinced that the moment would come eventually.

And they were absolutely right.

“Suddenly A Wild Puppy”

A few days after she came to their home, Shelby and Asher decided to throw a pajama party for Fawn. To their great delight, things took a turn for the better there as this dog finally started to open up to them.

a woman holding a dog like a baby
Source: The Dodo

“Shelby was the first person she plopped down onto,” Asher happily stated. It wasn’t long before she started flopping on him as well, and that was the best sign that the situation had truly begun to change.

“Then it was like overnight, she was suddenly a wild puppy,” Asher said. “It was like she was getting to have her puppyhood again.”

It was definitely one of the happiest moments in this couple’s lives, and nothing has been the same since.

Fawn was a brand-new dog, and she had opened up to her new family in so many ways: going on adventures with them, training with Asher, enjoying the treats they gave her, and so much more.

a young man taking selfie of him and his mom and dog
Source: The Dodo

“Our bond is even stronger because I have to really work to be trustworthy for her,” Asher said, while Shelby added: “Having Fawn around has just brought so much to my life again.”

Although recovering from Lola’s loss and gaining Fawn’s trust was not easy, everything paid off in the end, and this family once again radiated happiness and joy.

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