Scared Puppy Who Kept Waiting For Her Owners After They Left Her Behind Finds Her Happily Ever After

Can you imagine how lonely and confused a little puppy named Goldie felt after her owners left her behind?

With her whole heart, Goldie believed that her family would come back for her. She kept waiting for them on the same porch in an apartment complex in California.

Although her kind-hearted neighbors took care of her and fed her, Goldie seemed distrustful of humans.

The puppy looked around, hoping to catch a glimpse of her owners returning for her.

As time went by, her beautiful eyes became filled with sorrow. The pup started accepting the fact that she would never see her family again.

Rescuing The Abandoned Puppy

scared puppy hiding by the ladder
Source: Suzette Hall

Suzette Hall, the founder of Logan’s Legacy 29, learned that a little abandoned fur baby was hopelessly waiting for her family, and she drove to the location to rescue her.

Shortly after her arrival, Hall found herself face-to-face with Goldie.

The puppy was so frightened that she started growling at the kind-hearted rescuer.

“When I got there she was right by the ladder and the same porch… she was so scared of the world,” Hall wrote in a Facebook post.

The rescuer talked to her, trying to calm her down, but the puppy’s fear was much stronger.

abandoned sad dog
Source: Suzette Hall

Just when Hall turned around to get her snappy snare, she heard Goldie whimpering.

The rescuer swiftly glanced behind and found Goldie standing on her back legs. The pup looked at Hall with tearful eyes as if she was pleading her not to leave her.

The good-hearted woman bent down, and the puppy hopped into her arms.

Hall couldn’t stop crying as she held her. She promised Goldie that she would never be abandoned again.

Goldie’s hero carried her to her car and placed her in the front seat. Not realizing that she was safe, the pooch was still sorrowful.

The rescuer gently petted her head and spoke to her.

A New Beginning

close-up photo of abandoned dog
Source: Suzette Hall

Feeling the loving touch of her hand, Goldie breathed a sense of relief, and she closed her eyes. She finally felt secure.

Second Chance Animal Rescue, based in Las Vegas, Nevada, took the sweet pup into their care.

Goldie started believing that she would find the happiness and love that her heart longed for.

Shortly afterward, the rescue made her greatest wish come true. They found her the perfect family.

woman and dog at sunset
Source: Suzette Hall

Goldie moved to her forever home on the beach. She was overjoyed because she finally had humans who cherished her.

The canine lives her best life. Goldie showers her forever mom with kisses, showing her how much she adores her.

dog licking woman's face
Source: Suzette Hall

Thank you to all the good humans who took care of Goldie when she was on her own, and to her heroes for helping the pooch find her happy ending.

Because of you, the abandoned puppy got a second chance at happiness.

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